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Learn Attacking skills from Grischuk & Aronian!

GM Swapnil Dhopade

Headcoach - Chess Pathshala

Learn Attacking skills from Grischuk & Aronian!

Grischuk vs. Aronian

Hello Dear Readers,

Today we will train our attacking and tactical skills with the two games played between Aronian and Grischuk in the clutch chess championship organized on on 9th June 2020.

The games were very dynamic in nature as both the players, Grischuk and Aronian likes to play creative chess!

This also gives us an opportunity to learn from these amazing players. Let’s check out their games.

Make sure you solve the position which I have selected for you as it will help you improve your game.

How about we start with the Stunning Creative Games!

So Lets Start! with our 1st Game – 

Grischuk V/S Aronian

It’s Time To Start Our Quiz!- 


10..Qh4?N - Find the best move for White!


11...Qh5 - How White can play energetically?


12...Qg6 - Should White exchange his Queen?


13..f5 - How White can proceed with his Attack?


15...Bxf5 - What should white do with his light color Bishop?


You must have enjoyed this game as well as solving the quizzes! too.

So, here’s another game of these two Creative Players!

Here is a beautiful combination by Aronian!

Let’s start with this-

2.Aronian V/S Grischuk

It’s Time To Start Our Quiz Again!


22...Rfd8 - Can you find the winning continuation for white?


23...Qa4 - Can you Identify the White's main idea of the previous move!


25...Qf8 - White crushes blacks lord post but How?


27..Kg8 - Can you find a way for white to include other forces to help the white queen?

I hope you enjoyed these two Stunning Creative Games by Grischuk and Aronian!

The following is a video analysis of the above game by me uploaded on my youtube channel Chess Pathshala. Do check out the video analysis and also subscribe to our youtube channel as we update regular useful chess content on the channel.

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