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10 Exercises of the Week #11

10 Exercises for you to solve and enjoy!

Hello Friends! Every week I select 10 positions ranging from easy to difficult across various themes like tactics, strategy, endgame, defence, etc. for you guys to solve and enjoy. Today I have selected 10 positions from chess events happening this week around the world.

If you want to improve your endgame and positional play, enrol in this completely FREE Video course I created on the God of Rook Endgames, Grandmaster Akiba Rubinstein! Here's the link to enrol in the course: Video Course on Akiba Rubinstein

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Here are this week's 10 exercises for you -

1. Find the best move for Black.


2. Can you find the best move for Black?


3. Can you find an amazing tactical strike for White?


4. Find the best move for White.


5. Find the best move for White.


6. Find the best continuation for White.


7. Find a way to win the game quickly for White!


8. Find the best move for White.


9. Find the best move for White that would help him with some material immediately.


10. Black is threatening to win the g2-pawn. What is the best way to react to it? White to play.


I hope you enjoyed solving these exercises. See you again in another blog post and don't forget to subscribe to my newsletter

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